Articles & News

Articles of interest and a point of View.

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Lifespan is recognised as a strong industry participant,  awarded the Best Independent Dealer Group of the Year at the inaugural Australian Wealth Management Awards in 2024. This followed closely on the heels of winning the ifa Excellence Awards Dealer Group of the Year for the third year running in 2023, after being finalists for the previous three years. We were also honoured to have been recognised as the 2021 CoreData Licensee of the Year and Licensee Leadership Award, and winning the prestigious ifa Excellence Awards Company of the Year in 2022.

We’ve created a series of interesting articles on a range of financial services topics, presenting our point of view on what’s happening in the industry. We’ve also collected a few favourites from the broader market that may be of interest to you.

We also encourage you to listen to our podcast series, Lifespan Live which discusses the key issues facing financial services licensees, financial advisers, and their clients. You can listen here.

Adviser Articles & News

Lifespan Financial Planning winners of the Australian Wealth Management Awards Best Independent Dealer Group 2024

2024 Australian Wealth Management awards winners

Lifespan Financial Planning was announced last night as winner of the Best Independent Dealer Group of the Year at the inaugural Australian Wealth Management Awards. Lifespan adviser, Angus Taylor of Sheffield Financial Services was recognised as the Best Young Adviser of the Year.

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ifa Excellence Awards winners 2023

We’re delighted to announce that the Lifespan group (Head Office and adviser network) won three awards in the 2023 ifa Excellence Awards held in Sydney, including the ifa Dealer Group of the Year, for the third consecutive year.

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Established your own AFSL? Now what

You can listen to the podcast here Increasing regulation of financial services has seen a trend of practices seeking to become self-licensed through getting their

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Social media for financial advisers.

Financial advisers may have hoped that social media was a passing fad, however, it’s difficult to keep hiding behind the argument that “my clients don’t use social media”. Social media can be especially effective in generating referrals from your existing clients and in initiating conversations with the next generation. Social media facilitates online relationship marketing, with an approach that is both scalable and more efficient.

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Lifespan Quarterly Newsletters

Lifespan provides a variety of newsletters and financial bulletins to clients and members of the general public. To receive our bulletins and newsletters –  just complete the form on this page.

At Lifespan we recognise that your privacy is very important – we are committed to protecting your privacy. Lifespan encourages you to review the Security and Privacy Statement and to contact us if you have any questions about data security and our services. 

Winter edition Your Personal Wealth Lifespan

Your Personal Wealth, Winter 2024

Those of you with an eye on the share markets will have seen its recovery to all-time highs by mid-May after a short dip in April. As always, any market uncertainty highlights the importance of diversifying your investments.

This edition looks at what is included in a ‘comfortable retirement’ and what it costs (according to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia). We bust some retirement spending myths and look at what steps you can take if you think you may have been scammed.

Your Personal Wealth, Autumn 2024

On the economic front, while there is still some talk about the possibility of a global recession, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has stated that risks to global growth are broadly balanced. Australia’s position has been strengthened by record population growth through overseas migration in 2023.

In this edition we also explore some tips to enjoy your days in retirement, and visit house-sitting as an opportunity to see the world, and save!

Your Personal Wealth, Summer 2023/4

Uncertainty leads to market volatility, and also opportunity, and it certainly has been a volatile time for investment returns. Fears of a US recession have increased as advanced economies have experienced a pronounced slowdown in growth. Yet the US economy has been surprisingly resilient.

Join us as we take a look at the paradox of Australian financial markets, and ponder balancing enjoying today while investing for tomorrow, together with timely strategies for surviving the post-Christmas sales.

Your Personal Wealth, Spring 2023

Global markets seem to defy economic reality as the share markets appeared to have been buoyed by consumer spending.

We’re still on uncertain ground as some analysts expect a soft landing whilst others feel this stance may be overly optimistic. Uncertainty leads to market volatility, and also opportunity.

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